21 DAYS OF PRAYER AND FASTING - January 8th - 28th - Special Prayer Services Wednesdays @ 6:30pm & Saturdays @ 9:00am. Open Prayer Mon & Tues, Thurs & Fri @ 6:00am


Acceptance Policy

After application for enrollment has been made, an interview with the child is conducted. This interview process is to determine readiness for group learning and average age appropriate development.
Because of limited resources with personnel and finances, Evangel Christian School targets enrollment of the average child. Children who do not appear to be ready for group learning or who show signs of possible special needs are not accepted. Should this be the case, registration fees are refunded.

School Uniforms

Although required in the past, students will NOT be required to wear uniforms with the beginning of the 2024-25 school year.  Practical clothing appropriate for current weather as well as sensitivity to Christian standards should be worn.  
Socks and shoes suitable for indoor and outdoor play should be worn.  Although acceptable, sandal type shoes must have a secure strap around the heel in order to be worn.

Department of Human Resources

At Evangel Christian School, we strive to provide quality Christian Education and ensure the safety of each child entrusted to us. In doing so, we maintain “Church Exempt” status in regards to state licensing with the State of Alabama
Department of Human Resources.
With this exemption, all children must receive a routine physical examination with the Physician stating that the child is able to participate in school group activities. The Physician must also state that the child is free of contagious disease and has received proper immunization. A “Child’s Medical Report” form may be obtained from the school office for this purpose.
Detailed information concerning “Church Exemption” is presented at the time of registration. A signed notarized affidavit is used in this process. Notarization may be completed in the school office free of charge.


Basic classroom supplies are to be provided by parents as requested by the teacher.


A Certificate of Immunization must be on file PRIOR to the first day of school attendance. We are fulfilling state law requirements.

Birth Certificate

An original birth CERTIFICATE must be presented at the time of registration. A photo static copy is then made for our files and parents retain the original. These certificates are used to authenticate information for permanent cumulative records.

Additional Requirements

All children must be completely toilet trained. We reserve the right to ask parents to withdraw any child that does not prove to be so.

Age Policy

Pre-School (Ages 3 & 4)

Students must be age 3 to enter K3 and age 4 to enter K4 on or before September 1st.
Although a student is allowed to attend ECS based on our birth date deadline, his/her acceptance into public or other private schools is based on THEIR age requirements.