Evangel's Mission:
The purpose of Evangel Christian School is to teach, train, and lead young children to Christ. We also desire to reach the extended family of every child God entrusts to us.
On a daily basis training is given in Bible, Christian character, language, and traditional subject matter.
We believe the word of God which says, “Train up a child in the way he should go: and when he is old, he will not depart from it.”
We also treasure Psalm 119:11, “Thy word (the Bible) have I hid in mine heart, that I might not sin against thee.”
With a firm foundation from God’s Word and proper Christian training, students of Evangel Christian School can make wise decisions for the present and proper decisions for the future.

Lee Tillman
School Principal
A 1982 graduate of Southeastern University, Lee Tillman was first employed by Fountain of Life Church as a teacher for its school, Evangel Christian, in 1985. He accepted the position as Principal in 1989 and continues to serve in that capacity. He met and married his wife Gail Rasbornink while attending Southeastern University. He is the father of one daughter, Brittany (and two wonderful grandchildren). Along with the daily administration of Evangel Christian School, he is actively involved in various ministries at Fountain of Life Church.